Hallo meine Lieben,
ich hoffe, euch geht es gut ?! Heute habe ich mal wieder ein Make-Up PICTORIAL für euch. Ich habe heute nichts Neues zum erzählen, weil alles beim "Alten" ist, bald fahre ich zu meinen Großeltern nach Bosnien und ich freue mich schon seeeehr darauf, weil ich die schon alle sehr doll vermisse!:-(
Ich hoffe, euch gefällt mein pictorial, wünsche euch noch einen wunderschönen Sonntagabend und bis bald! XOXO eure Antonia
Hello my beauties,
I hope you are doing well so far?! What are you guys up to today? Let me know in the comments down below. Today I've got another PICTORIAL for you guys, I don't have anything else to say because there is nothing exciting happening in my life right know (LOL!), exept that I'm going to visit my grandparents in Bosnia very soon and I'm soooo happy because I miss them very bad :-'(.
I hope you like my pictorial, have a nice Sunday and I'll talk to you guys very soon! BYE XOXO
1. Put a transition shade in your crease |
2. Next comes a gold shimmery shade on your lid and in your inner corner |
3. Next a reddish brown in your crease |
4. Put a brown copper shade in the center of your lid |
5. Last but not least put a dark brown shade on the outer part of your lid |
6. You can choose a winged eyeliner, Put on some mascara and you are good to go :-P |
7. AAAAND don't forget your lipliner :-P |
Lenka Kosmetik - 88 Matte Lidschatten Palette |
Catrice - Liquid Metal Eyeshadow "030 We Are The Champagnes" |
About the Author
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